Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

We recognize that it is our social responsibility to protect the rights and interests of individuals by using personal information obtained with the consent of the individuals for the intended purposes and managing it appropriately during the retention period. Based on this recognition, all employees of our company declare their commitment to the following items:

Please also refer to the "Basic Policy on Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc." for specific personal information, etc., which falls under the scope of the said policy.


1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations related to the Handling of Personal Information by our company

We comply with the following laws and regulations in relation to the conduct of our business:

(1) Act on the Protection of Personal Information
(2) Cabinet Office Ordinance on the Enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
(3) Cabinet Office Order on the Enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
(4) Guidelines for the Act on the Protection of Personal Information
(General Rules, Obligations for Confirmation and Record-Keeping when Providing to Third Parties, Provision to Foreign Third Parties, Pseudonymized Information and Anonymized Information, and Certified Personal Information Protection Organizations)
(5) Other industry rules established by industry associations to which we belong


2. Thorough Implementation of Security Measures

We take necessary and appropriate measures for the management and supervision within the company, education of employees, and supervision of contractors to ensure the security management of personal data and prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data.


3. Establishment of Personal Information Protection System

We will establish a system for the continuous operation and improvement of personal information protection measures by formulating a personal information protection program relating to personal information and putting it into practice. The outline of our personal information protection program is as follows:

  • We have established a basic policy on the handling of personal information and formulated documents such as regulations and manuals for the personal information protection program to achieve these policies
  • We provide education and training on the personal information protection program documents to officers and employees.
  • We conduct regular audits, review the results with management, and periodically review the entire personal information protection system based on the results.
  • With regard to these compliance programs, we appoint one person responsible for personal information protection from the directors and manage and supervise them.


4. Principles for the Handling of Personal Information

We will describe the principles (essence) for the handling of personal information, including safety management measures such as acquisition, use, storage, and disposal according to the industry and business type, supervision of employees and contractors, response to requests for disclosure and third-party provision, and handling of complaints.


5. Contact Information

For inquiries, complaints, suggestions, or any questions regarding our company's personal information protection policy, please contact the designated contact listed in the separate notice "Public Disclosure Items Based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

August 9, 2023
Koichi Koizumi, President and CEO:
Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.


Privacy Policy for Specific Personal Information

We establish this basic policy to ensure the proper handling of specific personal information and individual numbers ("specific personal information, etc.") based on the "Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures" (the "My Number Act").

1. Name of the business operator

Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.

2. Compliance with relevant laws and guidelines

We comply with the My Number Act, the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information," and other applicable laws, as well as the "Guidelines for the Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information (for Business Operators)" and other relevant guidelines, to ensure the proper handling of specific personal information, etc.

3. Purpose of use

We use specific personal information, etc. for the following purposes:

(1) Specific personal information, etc. related to our company's officers (including dependents) and administrative tasks, including but not limited to:

  • Withholding tax-related tasks
  • Application for dependent deduction, declaration of changes, creation of insurance premium deduction declaration for spouses of salary earners, etc.
  • Preparation of payroll reports
  • Preparation of reports for special withholding on salary income recipients' changes
  • Creation of applications for switching to special withholding
  • Preparation of payment statements for retirement benefits, etc.
  • Preparation of declaration forms for retirement income
  • Creation of declaration, notification, and application forms for property formation housing savings and property formation pension savings
  • Notification procedures for health insurance, welfare pension, and corporate pension
  • Notification procedures for national pension type 3
  • Application and claim procedures for health insurance, welfare pension, and corporate pension
  • Notification procedures for employment insurance
  • Application and claim procedures for employment insurance
  • Creation and provision of statutory documents for financial product transactions related to shareholders' associations

(2) Specific personal information, etc. related to individuals other than our company's officers, including but not limited to:

  • Preparation of payment statements for compensation and fees
  • Preparation of payment statements for dividends, surplus distribution, and fund interest
  • Preparation of payment statements for the use of real estate, etc.
  • Preparation of payment statements for consideration received for the transfer of real estate, etc.

4. Matters related to security measures

We take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage and to manage specific personal information, etc. For employees and subcontractors (including subcontractors of subcontractors) who handle specific personal information, etc., we provide necessary and appropriate supervision.

5. Contact for inquiries

For inquiries or complaints regarding the handling of specific personal information, etc. at our company, please contact the following department:

[Department]: General Affairs Personnel Division
[Address]: 6th Floor, Torunare Nihonbashi Hamacho bldg, 3-3-2 Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0007, Japan
[Phone number]: +81-3-6631-6631


August 9, 2023
Koichi Koizumi, President and CEO:
Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.

Handling of Personal Information: Disclosure based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information"

In accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), we hereby disclose the following matters ("Disclosure"). This includes matters that are obligated to be placed in a state where "the individual can easily know" and in a state where "the individual can know (including promptly responding to the individual's request)."

Please also refer to the "Basic Policy on Proper Handling of Specific Personal Information, etc." for specific personal information, etc. that falls under the scope of the said policy.


1. Matters regarding the disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information

(1) Purpose of use when directly obtaining personal information in writing or indirectly obtaining personal information (Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Act)

When directly obtaining personal information from customers in writing, we will indicate the purpose of use each time (Article 18, Paragraph 2 of the Act). When directly or indirectly obtaining personal information in ways other than that, we will handle it within the scope of the following limitations on the purpose of use (Article 18, Paragraph 1 of the Act). However, this does not apply to the cases mentioned in (2), (3), and (4) (Article 23, Paragraph 5 of the Act).

  • Solicitation, sale, and service information related to our business items (refer to company overview)
  • Confirmation of being the customer themselves or their representative
  • Reporting transaction results, transaction balances, etc. to customers
  • Administrative tasks related to transactions with customers and transaction counterparts
  • Research and development of business items through market research, data analysis, surveys, etc.
  • Proper execution of commissioned tasks regarding the processing of personal information, in whole or in part, by other businesses, etc.
  • Exercise of rights and fulfillment of obligations based on contracts, laws, etc.
  • Judgment or management related to transactions
  • Processing and provision of our owned land survey and construction data in a form that individuals cannot be identified, for the purpose of selling a browsing system
  • Other appropriate and smooth promotion and fulfillment of transactions and our business

(2) Purpose of use of "personal information" entrusted (Article 18, Paragraph 1, Article 23, Paragraph 5, Item 1 of the Act)

We will appropriately manage personal information entrusted to us by business partners and handle it within the scope of the entrusted business.

  • However, this does not apply when providing the data in a form where individuals cannot be identified for the purpose of selling a browsing system of our owned land survey and construction data.

(3) Acquisition through mergers, spin-offs, and business succession (Article 23, Paragraph 5, Item 2 of the Act)

In the event that personal data is provided to us due to mergers or other reasons for business succession, we will handle it within the scope of the purpose of such business succession.


(4) Matters regarding "joint use" (Article 23, Paragraph 5, Item 3, Article 23, Paragraph 6 of the Act)

Except for the following cases, we will not jointly use the personal information obtained from customers with specific individuals.

Items of personal information to be shared Ground survey and construction data held by our company, as well as the location of the corresponding ground (including the town name).
Scope of shared use Purchasers of the browsing system for the ground survey and construction data held by our company.
Purpose of shared use To provide reference data for neighboring ground surveys and construction projects to the purchasers of the browsing system.
Person in charge of managing the shared personal information General Manager of General Affairs Department, Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.

2. Regarding "personal data held" (Article 27, Paragraph 1 of the law), matters that should be placed in a state that the individual can know about.

The purpose of using our held personal data is the same as mentioned above (1).


3. Regarding "third-party provision of personal information" (Article 23, Paragraph 1 and 5 of the law).

We appropriately manage the personal information obtained from customers and do not provide it to third parties without obtaining the customer's consent. However, the following cases are exceptions:

  • When required by law.
  • When necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
  • When particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or a person entrusted by them to perform duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the performance of such duties.
  • When providing our held ground survey and construction data in a form where individuals cannot be identified for the purpose of selling the data browsing system.

4. Matters regarding the procedures for responding to "requests for disclosure, etc." (Article 32 of the law).

We respond to requests for disclosure, changes, usage suspension, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "requests for disclosure, etc.") from the individuals or their representatives regarding the held personal data.


(1) Items subject to "requests for disclosure, etc." (information that contributes to the identification of held personal data).
The items of held personal data subject to "requests for disclosure, etc." are as follows: Name, date of birth, postal code, address, phone number, email address, and the name, postal code, location, phone number, and email address related to the customer's affiliated organization, as well as other items that can identify specific individuals.


(2) Recipient of "requests for disclosure, etc."
Please send the "requests for disclosure, etc." to the following address by mail, attaching the necessary documents to the designated application form (which will be sent together with the instructions upon request). We would appreciate it if you could write "Documents for Requests for Disclosure, etc." in red on the envelope.

General Affairs Department, Personal Information Officer
Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.
6th Floor, Torunare Nihonbashi Hamacho bldg, 3-3-2 Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0007, Japan


(3) "Requests for disclosure, etc." by a representative
If the requester of the "requests for disclosure, etc." is the individual, a minor, a legally authorized representative of an adult ward, or a representative appointed by the individual for the purpose of making the "requests for disclosure, etc.", please enclose the following documents (A or B) in addition to the documents mentioned in the previous paragraph.
A. In the case of a legally authorized representative:

  • One designated declaration form provided by our company
  • One document confirming the legal authority (copy of family register, copy of insurance card with dependents listed for a parent, etc.)
  • One document confirming that the requester is the legally authorized representative of a minor or an adult ward (copy of the legally authorized representative's driver's license, passport, or other official documents)

B. In the case of a representative appointed by delegation:

  • One designated power of attorney provided by our company
  • One piece of the individual's seal certificate

(4) Fees for "requests for disclosure, etc." and payment methods
Please enclose the necessary amount of postage stamps for domestic mail delivery when sending the response document. If you wish to reply via international mail, please send the required amount in advance through an appropriate method.

If the fee is insufficient or not included, we will inform you, but if payment is not made within the specified period, we will handle it as if there was no request for disclosure.


(5) Method of Responding to Requests for Disclosure, etc.
We will respond to the applicant's request by sending a written reply to the address provided in the application form.


(6) 'Purpose of Use' of Personal Information Obtained Regarding Requests for Disclosure, etc.
The personal information obtained in response to requests for disclosure, etc. will be handled only within the necessary scope for such requests. The submitted documents will be kept for 2 years after the completion of the response to requests for disclosure, and then disposed of.


*Reasons for Non-disclosure of "Held Personal Data"
We will not disclose personal data in the following cases. If non-disclosure is decided, we will notify you with the reasons. Please note that a prescribed fee will also be charged for non-disclosure.

  • When the address stated in the application form does not match the address stated in the documents for personal identification or our registered address, making it impossible to confirm the identity of the individual
  • When the authority of the representative cannot be confirmed in the case of application by an agent
  • When there are deficiencies in the prescribed application documents
  • When the subject of the request for disclosure does not fall under "held personal data"
  • When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
  • When there is a risk of significantly hindering the proper implementation of our business
  • When it would violate other laws and regulations

5. Matters concerning the Reception Counter for 'Complaints' (Article 27, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Law, Article 10 of the Enforcement Order, Article 35 of the Law)

(1) Contact for Complaints regarding the Handling of Personal Information
Please report any complaints regarding the handling of personal information by our company to the following:

For phone inquiries

KSU Corporation, General Affairs Department, Personal Information Officer: +81-3-6631-6634
For fax inquiries

KSU Corporation, General Affairs Department, Personal Information Officer: +81-3-6631-6639
For written inquiries
General Affairs Department, Personal Information Officer
Kanematsu Sustech Co., Ltd.
6th Floor, Torunare Nihonbashi Hamacho bldg, 3-3-2 Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0007, Japan
For email inquiries

KSU Corporation, General Affairs Department, Personal Information Officer:

*Regarding visits to our office

 We regret to inform you that we are unable to accept direct visits for inquiries. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.


(2) Name of the "Certified Personal Information Protection Organization" to which our company belongs and Contact for Complaints
Currently, our company does not belong to any certified personal information protection organization.

6. Revision

This handling will apply from November 13, 2017 onwards.

In order to further protect your personal information and in accordance with changes in laws and regulations, we may revise our basic policy on personal information protection and this public disclosure. Particularly important revisions will be posted on our website, so please check regularly.