Material Issues

Materiality - Support our society with technology

We will contribute to society with our unique technologies, focusing on our three main businesses: the "Geo-tech business" that serves as a leading company in the soil reinforcement field, contributing to an environment where people can live with peace of mind for a long time; the "Wood & Housing Materials business" that contributes to the long-term utilization of "wood," providing conforts and peaceful life to people; and the "CCTV System business" that utilizes AI for security and marketing, delivering safety and security to all by security camera system.

Social demands


Implementing ground improvement with the optimal construction method for a safe and secure city development.

We will strive to provide the most suitable construction methods for the ground reinforcement and contribute to creating an environment where people can live with peace of mind.

Realization of sustainable cities and living spaces that provide safety and warmth of wood.

Through the sale of treated timber using certified agents that meet public safety standards, we contribute to the long-term use of wood in urban areas and promote the formation of another forest in the urban areas.

Contributing to the creation of secure and safe city development.

We provide systems focused on surveillance camera systems and realize city development where people can live with peace of mind.

Operating our business with environmental considerations and promoting respect for human rights and talent development.

We aim for environmentally conscious business operations in offices, factories, etc., while also focusing on talent education to support sustainability management.

Mid-Term Goals

Goal 1: Contribute to the realization of an environmentally and people friendly society through our business activities [Environment, Society]

We will strive to reduce CO2 emissions by utilizing and extending the usefulness of wood that has accumulated CO2, as well as promoting wood utilization. We will also work towards creating a safe and secure community through the use of security cameras.

Goal 2: Respect and develop human resources [Society]

Based on the belief that new technologies and methods are generated from a diverse and vibrant workplace, we will respect individual attributes and values and create an environment where each person can maximize their abilities.

Goal 3: Strengthen the management foundation [Governance]

Compliance with laws and regulations, transparency, and a high-quality governance structure, as well as establishing it as infrastructure, are the foundation for solving social issues and achieving sustainable growth through business. We will further enhance these aspects.

Goal 4: Promote research and development and DX throughout the company [Research and Development, DX]

The development of new technologies and methods is essential to our business model, and we will promote research and development, including collaboration with external organizations. In addition to promoting business model transformation and workflow reform, we will progress in digitalization.